Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Bed designs that provide space saving solutions

Like many others, your bed is likely to be one of the largest and most used items of furniture in your home. With many people spending upwards of 50 hours per week in their bed it is no wonder we are all searching for something that is both comfortable, affordable and (most importantly) suitable for the space we have available.

4ft Beds have become far more popular in recent years and I believe this is a sign of the current economic climate. With home owners, renters and landlords all looking to save money, downsizing your home and the furniture within it can be a useful way of doing so.

As I mentioned, beds are one of the largest items you will have in your home and as a result are also likely to be one of the most expensive, but purchasing a small double bed might be a solution that saves both space and money at the same time.

Saying that, saving on money and space doesn’t necessarily mean you have to compromise on quality.

4ft Leather Beds

4ft Leather Bed
This example of a small leather bed shows that you can still purchase a stylish and modern design whilst still saving the space in your home.

Popular dark brown faux leather is used here, but options are available for black and white styles as well as real leather (obviously at an additional cost).

4ft Metal Beds

As I have mentioned on previous posts, Metal beds come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit both modern and more traditional homes.

Manufacturers use the same designs to create a small double bed with metal frame that once again saves space and may even provide some additional storage solutions beneath the bed!

The 4ft width saves about a quarter of width when compared with a standard double, which can mean many rooms that were previously thought to be single can now be created as double.

So whether you are looking for a bed for your guest room or something for you to personally use on a daily basis, there is no reason that a small double can’t look stylish and be comfortable and affordable all at the same time.

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